The Kidult Files

Have you ever met any of the strange beings that live all around us? Some of them are very cool but sadly a lot of them are boring and you might find them just a little dull.

We are The Kidults and they are The Boredults.

Who are you?

Boredults are kids that have grown up and become boring and have the powers to bring darkness to Kidults lives. For instance they can make mountains out of tiny molehills and you hear them say things like ‘I’m only going to say this once’, ‘Do you have to do that?’ ‘turn the television off’, ‘clean your room’, and ‘it’s time for bed’?.

Kidults are kids that haven’t turned into Boredults. Our proper long name is ‘kid-adults’ because we still act like cool kids even when we are grown-up and have to do grown-up things. How can you recognise us? We know when Top Of The Pop’s is on, we don’t go shopping every Saturday and we listen to new bands and watch cool movies. Unlike Boredults we know how to have the best time.

Up until you are 16 years old you are a Kidult (look around the playground, have you ever seen such a thing as a Junior-Boredult?). But be careful, three-quarters of your friends will turn into Boring adults before you realise. Things happen around kidults as they grow-up that slowly turn lots of them into Boredults.

Boredults call the years when they were under 16 ‘the best years of my life’. That is because most of them have ended up doing a boring job or have found out that bringing up us Kidults is not as much fun as they thought it would be. They try as hard as they can to change back by reading books about making their life better but you might now be their only hope.

Kidults are cool people who have the best time. We must warn you though, that’s not always easy. The Boredults are taking over the planet. Read the files now and stop The Boredults turning you into a boring grown-up and live the life of a true cool Kidult.

In each file you’ll find everything Kidults need. Plus stickers, posters, quizzes, places to go on the Internet and our special Kidult language. We also have our own website
www.thekidults.com where you can share ideas and stories with other Kidults living on Planet Boredult.